Chair of Business Informatics
Saarland University

Prof. Dr.-Ing. habil. oec. Wolfgang Maaß

Künstliche Intelligenz in Unternehmen (KIU)

In this lecture, artificial intelligence technologies are presented in practice, implications for companies are discussed and explained using concrete practical examples. The Artificial Intelligence in Business course enables students to understand the basic concepts of artificial intelligence technologies and their application using specific examples from companies. Through flipped classroom and group projects, practical work is deepened in groups. This enables students to evaluate the potential of AI technologies for the corporate context and to utilise them in a targeted manner. The practical examples are carried out together in the exercises.


The basics include the following topics:


Semester: WiSe 2024/25

Scope: Lecture (2 SWS) and Exercise (2 SWS) / Total 6 CP

Exam: The course includes a module examination consisting of a written examination (120 minutes), a group presentation in the flipped classroom and the assessment of the group project. The module grade is made up as follows: 60% written exam, 20% group presentation, 20% group project. Registration for the examination takes place via VIPA.

Language: German

Moodle: Course page


Lecture Starts: 17.10.2024

Time: Thursdays, 14:15 – 15:45

Place: 0.18, Building B4 1


Exercise Starts: 25.10.2024

Time: Fridays, 14:15 – 15:45

Place: 0.18, Building B4 1


Univ.-Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Maaß

Contact Person

Maxx Richard Rahman (

Dominic Detering (

Further Information

All participants can post questions about the current lecture in the “Participant Forum” on moodle platform, which will then be discussed there.