Thesis Application
Please refer to the examination office regulations that apply to you for information about admission to the thesis. Detailed information concerning the procedure of writing bachelor and master theses at ISS chair is given in the thesis guidelines. Please note: Application for the thesis should be sent at least 4 weeks before the desired starting date.
Interested? Great! Submit Your Application
Thesis Guidelines
Previous Theses
Computer Science, Data Science, and IS Topics
- Detection of Hidden Problems in Supply Chains
- Graph-Theoretical Decision Support for Supply Chain Management
- Adaptive Knowledge Distillation: Leveraging Adapters for High-Performance, Parameter-efficient LLM-Distilling
- Text-GraphQL-Mapping basierend auf dem CoSQL-Korpus
- Reinforcement Learning based Dreamer – implementation and applications
- Review on Quantum Machine Learning – algorithms, applications and implementation
- Ansätze zur Repräsentation von Fertigungsdaten für Simulationen
- Modeling Biological Pathways using Graph Representation Network
- Development of Personalized Healthcare Services Based on Genomics for Multiple Diseases
- Impact of AI-based Services on Decision Making in Operations Planning of Civil Protection
- Automated Object identification and Retrieval System using Robotic Arm for Conveyor Belt Applications
- Multi-objective Optimization in Supply Chains
- Foundation Models: Methods and Best Practices
Business and IS Topics
- Grüner Stahl: Literaturanalyse und Klassifizierung der Wirkung von Maßnahmen hin zu einer klimaneutralen Stahlindustrie
- Investitionen in Quantencomputing: Eine Marktübersicht und finanztechnische Analyse
- Quo vadis Quantencomputing? – Experteninterviews zum Innovationspotenzial von Quantencomputing
- Sustainable Pathways for Data Centers in the AI Era: A Qualitative Exploration of Current Practices and the Potential Integration of Neuromorphic Hardware
- Analyzing the Impact of the EU AI Act on AI Startup Companies: A Multidimensional Assessment
- Wertschöpfung durch Quantencomputing: Eine Analyse zu Entwicklungspfaden zur Kommerzialisierung und erfolgreichen Geschäftsmodellen
- Digital Resilience Capabilities in Manufacturing
- KI-gestützte Entscheidungsfindung bei der Erstellung von medizinischen Diagnosen – Eine strukturierte Literaturanalyse
- Systemverkehr vs. Individualverkehr: Treiber, Herausforderungen und Lösungsansätze für Mobilitätsstrukturen in ländlichen Gebieten